Habits usually determine results more than talent. Bursts of motivation are temporary things, and our daily routines targeted at long-term outcomes are all that really matters.

We actually have few important tasks. When we start making to-do lists, we immediately build unrealistic plans of dozens of items for each day. In fact, there are very few important tasks, but they provide the main result. You need to focus on them, and not spend your energy on enjoying the abundance of completed items from the to-do list.

Measure time in minutes. Time is the most valuable resource at our disposal. It’s extremely unreasonable to measure it in large blocks, because it makes us stretch over time the tasks that can be completed much faster. Each day consists of 1440 minutes, and with this basic approach you can not only plan your time much more effectively, but also to complete more tasks.

Ideas need to be fixed. There are many cool ideas or interesting thoughts in our heads during the day. However, we don’t remember even a small part of them when going to bed. A simple paper notebook or note-taking phone app help you to capture everything, thus contributing to your development and improvement. Richard Branson assured that he could not have created Virgin without his notebook.

Delegate. Scaling up is impossible without it. Whatever productivity guru you are, you can forget of conquering heights without the ability to delegate current affairs and tasks. You just have to turn giving tasks and assessing their implementation into one of your everyday skills.