4-5 березня 2025
Effective leadership is important for any successful business. Despite the widespread belief, people are not born but rather become good leaders. The main thing is to work on development and improvement of skills that will help you to go to the next level of leadership.
Effective communication. You should be able to establish an effective communication system, thus solving two tasks at once: to maintain work engagement and motivation of employees, to better understand the current team dynamics. It’s also extremely important to be able to receive messages from your teams and respond to them in a timely manner.
Conflict resolution. Everyone understands that conflicts are part of the workflow. The ability to deal with conflict situations diplomatically and get high-quality results is critical for an effective leader.
Team creation. Any business depends on work of all employees at all levels. It’s important for a leader to invest in a team, because finding and bringing together talented people doesn’t mean automatical implementation of all plans. A good team begins with coherence provided by its leader.
Trust. Work environment is filled with various challenges, disputes and problems. In order to cope with this, in addition to communication, a good leader should create trusting relations between team members, taking into account their professionalism at all levels and in all aspects.
Adaptability. An effective leader is able to turn uncertainty into new opportunities and create an environment for professional growth. Therefore, you should be able to find and apply new methods and approaches that correspond to new business realities.
CHILDREN'S FASHION FAIR (CFF) – це найбільша в Україні спеціалізована виставка дитячої моди формату "бізнес для бізнесу". Виставка для тих, хто виробляє та продає дитячий одяг та взуття. Виставка проводиться двічі на рік: навесні - одночасно з виставкою товарів для дітей BABY EXPO та восени. 3 1996 року до 2018 року проводилась під назвою Baby Fashion. CHILDREN'S FASHION FAIR стала першою в Україні b2b виставкою в сфері дитячої фешн-індустрії.