What is the reason your marketing efforts fail? Maybe it’s one of the following mistakes.
1. There is no marketing. Some businesses live on regular customers or word of mouth marketing, but it’s risky. If you run short of reglar customers, you will not have a proven marketing system that consistently attracts new ones.
2. There is no analytics. When a company doesn’t have any data on lead generation in the previous years, it’s difficult to map a route from what you have to what you want. How can you increase lead generation, if you don’t know how it works now and how it worked a few years ago?
3. There is no correct setting of goals. Failure to understand cause-and-effect relationship when setting goals is a great problem of small and medium-sized businesses. When business owners set a big goal, they should understand that it will be implemented by different departments. Marketing department does its part, i.e. finds customers, but doesn’t affect customers throughout company’s life.
4. No one controls marketing processes. It’s not enough to allocate a promotion budget and set a task. You should monitor the results, analyze and adjust the strategy.
5. There is only one lead channel, no matter what kind. If you have only one effective lead generation channel and loose it, you will loose your business. Make sure that at least 50% of customers are acquired through another channel.
CHILDREN'S FASHION FAIR (CFF) – це найбільша в Україні спеціалізована виставка дитячої моди формату "бізнес для бізнесу". Виставка для тих, хто виробляє та продає дитячий одяг та взуття. Виставка проводиться двічі на рік: навесні - одночасно з виставкою товарів для дітей BABY EXPO та восени. 3 1996 року до 2018 року проводилась під назвою Baby Fashion. CHILDREN'S FASHION FAIR стала першою в Україні b2b виставкою в сфері дитячої фешн-індустрії.