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Winners of School Wear Competition. Photos of Fashion Show

Winners of School Wear Competition. Photos of Fashion Show
BABY EXPO has been supporting Ukrainian manufacturers for many years. Among other events organized for this very purpose, School Wear Competition has a special place. With the increase of editions, the competition became so popular to involve even importers of foreign-manufactured school wear, though 90% of competitors still are Ukrainian manufacturers.

Full list of winners is available on Children's Fashion Fair website.

The competition is simultaneously held in three formats, each having many points in favor.

Showroom with fashion mannequins enabling the jury and customers to assess not just a look but also the quality of cutout, fabrication, fabrics and garment accessories.

Catalogue with information about competitors is distributed free among visitors.

Fashion Show is the most exciting part of the competition. The clothes are assessed by such criteria as the fit, eye appeal and comfort.

This year’s Fashion Show was held on 04 April.

Selected photos are available on website.
All photos are available on Facebook.

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