AI tools

In 2024, you should integrate AI tools into your targeted advertising. AI tools have made a real revolution in reaching and interacting with the target audience, from chatbots that provide instant customer support to analytics that optimizes marketing campaigns.

More video ads

Video marketing commonly enters the top digital marketing trends, but its dominance is even magnified by the rapid development of TikTok, YouTube Shorts and other platforms with short video content. Brands have learned how to use short videos not only for advertising, but also for storytelling, product launches and even customer feedback.

Social media as a search engine and more ads on platforms

Development of social media cannot go unnoticed. 4.95 billion users are registered in social media today (DataReporter). Brands have learned to make money on social media, and it works. SMM trends for 2024 show an increase in social media commerce.

Personalized marketing

Customers become more demanding on brands, choice of product or service. Therefore, companies should adapt marketing messages to users based on their individual preferences and needs. Personalization improves customer interaction. As a result, you will get a loyal audience and a high conversion rate.

People-centered content and storytelling

The era of filling texts with keywords is long in the past. Today users appreciate high-quality, expert and interesting content. Google puts a lot of emphasis on this, so every next update is almost always about content. The search engine seeks to ensure that users receive useful content relevant to their requests. Therefore, Google imposes sanctions for rating manipulations.

Voice search in SEO

Growing influence of voice search on search engine optimization (SEO) is another digital marketing trend for 2024. People are increasingly using voice assistants (Siri and Alexa) to search for information. Marketing teams should consider this and adapt SEO strategies to voice requests. Focus on long keywords and natural language processing.

Data privacy

The issue has been keenly discussed over the past few years. Next year, the use of data and protection of user privacy will become even more important.

As you know, Apple made a large-scale change to the current system of advertising traffic and released an update to iOS 14.5, which limited all App Store programs from direct access to IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers). Now users independently decide whether they want to provide their own data for advertising systems. There is a possibility that Android is expecting a similar change.

In addition, Google is preparing to permanently eliminate third-party cookies from Chrome browsers by default, in order to improve privacy. Consequently, data protection will be relevant in the near future, because the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which entered into force in 2018, requires companies to obtain clear consent from individuals before collecting and using their personal data.

Automation and optimization of advertising campaigns

This digital marketing trend allows marketers to reduce ad management costs and focus on strategic aspects. Campaign optimization helps to increase the number of conversions and reduce cost per click. In 2024, marketers will integrate more tools, in particular artificial intelligence or machine learning, in order to make the strategy as efficient as possible.

Growing importance of contextual advertising

Contextual advertising is expected to become even more popular with marketers in 2024. Users perceive contextual advertising more positively than other ad forms. They are more likely to click on an ad if it fits their interests.
