4-5 березня 2025
The history of a brand is crucial to its success, and it all starts with its founder. The very first post on Jacquemus’ Instagram account was taken from the designer’s personal family album, and to this day the bio reads: “My name is Simon Port Jacquemus. I love blue and white, stripes, sun, fruit, life, poetry, Marseille and the 80s.”
At the heart of its success is an incredible approach to community management. “Jacquemus is the definition of a brand born on social media, which is a key part of its relevance and connection. For many brands, social media is still just an app and a one-way, static channel. Giving social media a more dynamic and central place will help increase relevance and engagement, which Jacquemus enjoys.”
The brand and the person are completely intertwined. However, it never feels aggressive, the brand evolves at its own pace, which is demonstrated in a very human way. It could be a new office filled with sentimental items, or personal goals like becoming a father; it’s all connected, but it always comes back to the brand.
Source: https://mmr.ua/
CHILDREN'S FASHION FAIR (CFF) – це найбільша в Україні спеціалізована виставка дитячої моди формату "бізнес для бізнесу". Виставка для тих, хто виробляє та продає дитячий одяг та взуття. Виставка проводиться двічі на рік: навесні - одночасно з виставкою товарів для дітей BABY EXPO та восени. 3 1996 року до 2018 року проводилась під назвою Baby Fashion. CHILDREN'S FASHION FAIR стала першою в Україні b2b виставкою в сфері дитячої фешн-індустрії.