4-5 березня 2025
Retailers around the world say they are now focused on laying the foundation for future success. The key is to prioritize actions and investments. They identify five key areas:
Managing inflationary pressures and reducing costs is a top priority. Despite signs that inflation is receding, the Global Well-being Index shows a loss of financial strength among shoppers. It is possible that a large portion of consumers have reached their limits due to rising prices and stretched budgets. Many have switched to cheaper brands or private label products in response to changing living costs. At the same time, the global economy, which in recent years has focused more on trade in goods and consumption due to pandemic restrictions, is returning to the consumption of services.
Therefore, retailers should assess the potential long-term impact of high prices, as lower prices will be a stronger purchasing driver than brand loyalty or its sustainability.
Source: https://rau.ua/
CHILDREN'S FASHION FAIR (CFF) – це найбільша в Україні спеціалізована виставка дитячої моди формату "бізнес для бізнесу". Виставка для тих, хто виробляє та продає дитячий одяг та взуття. Виставка проводиться двічі на рік: навесні - одночасно з виставкою товарів для дітей BABY EXPO та восени. 3 1996 року до 2018 року проводилась під назвою Baby Fashion. CHILDREN'S FASHION FAIR стала першою в Україні b2b виставкою в сфері дитячої фешн-індустрії.